07. Try our workspace again!

Try our workspace again!

Let's look now at a mathematical equation that is directly related to Linear Algebra:

(We will of course dive into these terminologies in the lesson)

Vector \vec{x}=\begin{bmatrix} 4\\2\end{bmatrix} has two elements:

  • x_1=4
  • x_2=2

Matrix M=\begin{bmatrix} 4&5\\8&2\end{bmatrix} has four elements:

  • m_{11}=4
  • m_{12}=5
  • m_{21}=8
  • m_{22}=2

The following three elements were defined in the vector and matrix above. Let's make sure we know how to define them in LaTex:

(Note that the order the equations entered is important)

1) x_2=2

2) m_{12}=5

3) m_{21}=8


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.

The LaTex code for the three equations we used is:




Do not use the enter / return button. . Add you answer in the space giver. Wait a few seconds for our workspace to give you the result.

Ok, we are now ready to start!